Google Summer of Code 2024
Google Summer of Code 2024 contributor @CERN-HSF. Project "Any collection in Data Model Explorer" aimed to enhance eede, a visualization tool for EDM4hep data, by adding new data types and filtering tools.

Teaching Assistant
Teaching assistant in Programming Fundamentals (Python) and Object-Oriented Programming (Java). Activities included classes with students solving exercises on various topics including dictionaries, numpy, and files (PF); polymorphism, interfaces, classes, and JavaFX (OOP). Graded various assignments and workshops.

Computer Science Engineering Degree
Computer Science Engineering Degree at Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FIEC), Espol.
GDG Guayaquil: Build with AI 🥈
Won 2nd place at the Hackathon organized by Google Developer Group Guayaquil: Build with AI in 2024.
Tic Tac Toe
The Classic Tic Tac Toe! But with a few new features. It implements a decision binary tree to suggest the best play to the user. It lets users to play agains the computer too, by using the MinMax algorithm.

App for renting stock. Renters.IO lets stores to rent their stock at a reduced price so clients can use their tools for "once in a time" cases more easily.